ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

What is ADHD?

ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is characterized by impaired concentration and excessive hyperactivity. It is a developmental disorder that is common in children and adolescents, but can also occur in adults.

ADHD is often treated with a combination of behavioral therapies and stimulants. Medications prescribed for ADHD can have some side effects, especially when given to children, and their long-term effects are controversial.

People with ADHD are divided into three categories:

  • Mainly hyperactive.
  • Mostly inattentive.
  • Combination type.

ADHD is considered a risk factor for addiction, including the abuse of THC-containing cannabis. There is a link between ADHD and cannabis use. However, one theory is that people with ADHD tend to use marijuana to self-medicate, relieving some of the symptoms of the condition.

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Cannabis and ADHD

A 2019 study published in the scientific journal Molecular Psychiatry based on data from tens of thousands of people found evidences to support ADHD as a cause for cannabis use, thereby reinforcing the hypothesis that people with ADHD self-medicate with cannabis.[1]

There is a connection between ADHD and THC, that both are involved in the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is considered a molecule that makes you feel happy, and plays an important role in processes such as emotions, learning, planning, concentration, etc.

People with untreated ADHD often have lower-than-normal levels of dopamine in their brains. The use of stimulants in general and cannabis containing THC in particular will help the brain release more dopamine. However, there is concern that long-term cannabis abuse could do more harm than good, as the body needs more and more cannabis to meet its dopamine needs, leading to cannabis addiction and abuse. Furthermore, there is also a risk of neglecting other ADHD treatments that may have been effective.

How to use Cannabinoids for ADHD

When used correctly, CBD-rich products can give great results. THC may also work because of its ability to help the body release dopamine. Therefore, full-spectrum CBD oil can be a great choice.

Dosage is usually aimed at small or medium range, in the range of 1-100mg of total CBD per day. This dose can be broken down to smaller doses, administered 2 or 3 times a day.

Children should avoid any form of smoking. Other than that, any other cannabinoid consumption method can be used. The easiest way to use it is the form of CBD-infused edibles or sublingual oil.

Always start from the smallest dose of about 1-5mg CBD on the first day, then gradually increase the dose every two days by 2mg until you find the right dose that gives the desired effect.

Since each person responds differently to cannabinoids, it is best to experiment with different delivery systems while gradually and slowly increasing the dose to find the best way of administration and the most optimal dosage.

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[1] Soler Artigas et al., “Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Lifetime Cannabis Use: Genetic Overlap and Causality.”

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